Singing / Straw Partnership!
I am genuinely excited to announce my partnership with the company, Singing / Straw! As a singer, I have utilized and taught straw phonation, for years. I am truly proud to be affiliated with a company that is rooted in vocal health, and makes a sustainable and most importantly, a truly useful vocal tool. Please check them out, and then save 15% by using my discount code:
CLICK HERE to purchase!
What is Straw Phonation?
Singing through a straw is a powerful “semi-occluded vocal tract” (SOVT) exercise, which means that as you vocalize, the air coming out of your mouth is partially blocked. This creates a resistance in the vocal tract, which sends energy back to the vocal folds and helps them vibrate more efficiently. Basically, magic.
The Benefits:
Practice with your Singing / Straw for a minute or so, and you should notice a difference almost immediately.
• An ease or "lightening" of your voice
• Smoother sound, less vocal fry
• Reduced tension and strain
• More consistent vibrato
• Smoother vocal transitions
• Fewer vocal "cracks"
• More flexibility for riffing