Tips For A Successful Virtual Recital.
Recital season is almost upon us! In preparation, I’ve compiled a list of tips, to pull off a successful virtual showcase!
*It is always good practice to make sure all viewing devices are charged and up to date, before joining a virtual event. It is also very important that all camera’s stay off and mics muted, until it is your time to perform. If you are an audience member, your camera must always remain off. Viewers may be invited to turn their mics on, for applause. *
Warm up!:—Vocalists, always, ALWAYS, remember to warm up your voice! Pianists—You should warm up too! Playing through your piece once or twice the day of the showcase will do wonders!
INTRODUCTIONS: Once it is your turn, and after you have unmuted your account and turned on the camera, please introduce yourself. You can say something like: "Hi! My name is_____. I'll be performing _________, by/from______ (if applicable). Remember to look at the camera, and speak louder and slower than we would think necessary.
BOWING/CURTSY-At the end of your performance, don’t forget to bow or curtsy!
PICTURE: Position camera so that we can see the most of you. If you are playing the piano, this most likely means positioning the camera to the side, so that we see your profile, piano included. If you are singing, stand back far enough to get all choreographed movements, in the frame.
SOUND: If you are performing with an accompaniment track, I would suggest using a bluetooth speaker, if available. Position the speaker near you, either right behind or to the side of your body. This way, all sound will mix and hit the recording device at the same time.
LIGHTING: Always make sure room is well lit. Do not perform with any light source behind your head/body. If you are performing in front of window, please close blinds, etc.. Ring lights come in handy, for recitals!
ATTIRE: For recitals, I always say "church nice", or for my Jewish friends, "Temple nice". This could mean a dress, nice pants, a jumpsuit--anything in which you feel comfortable. If you are playing piano and wearing a dress, make sure that your dress always comes with you, when sliding across/turning at the bench. If your feet will be in the frame, please also plan on wearing shoes.
HAIR: If you have long hair, it is always good to make sure it is out of your face. If you are playing piano, you really only need to worry about the side that faces the camera.
Audience members:
I am so happy that family and friends are able to join in on the Showcase fun! As an extra friendly reminder, please permanently keep camera’s off, and only unmute when asked to applaud. This ensures a smooth recital, where every performer gets their deserved spotlight!
The most important:
BREATHE. Remember, everything will be okay, as long as you remember to breathe. And if you make a mistake, that is TOTALLY FINE. Everyone tuning in, is doing so, with a whole lot of love. Please don't worry about mistakes. If they do happen, just keep going, and try not to draw attention to them. If something catastrophic happens, (i.e. you are having the biggest brain fart of all time), just take a breath, and start again. No biggie!
Recitals are meant to be a fun and safe space, where you can show off all of your hard work. Remember that everyone present is there to support you. Have fun and enjoy the experience!